Romania Country & Tourist Information

Southeastern Europe.
238,391 sq km (92,043 sq miles).
21.6 million (UN estimate 2006).
Population Density
90.6 per sq km.
Population: 2 million (2005).
Democratic Republic since 1991.
Romanian is the official language. Some Hungarian and German are spoken in border areas, while mainly French and some English are spoken by those connected with the tourist industry.
87% Romanian Orthodox, with Greek and Roman Catholic, Reformed/Lutheran, Unitarian, Muslim and Jewish minorities.
GMT + 2 (GMT + 3 from last Sunday in March to last Sunday in October).
220 volts AC, 50Hz. Plugs are of the two-pin type.
Head of Government
Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu since 2004.
Head of State
President Traian Basescu since 2004.
Recent History
Traian Basescu won Romania’s presidential election in 2004 and 2009, defeating incumbent prime minister Adrian Nastase of the leftist Social Democratic party. Calin Tariceanu became prime minister following parliamentary elections in November 2004. His government is an alliance of Liberals and Democrats and has members from four reformist parties. The government accelerated the legal and judicial reforms necessary to ensure EU membership for Romania in 2007 and is engaged in fighting poverty and corruption.
Basescu gained a second endorsement from the electorate in a May 2007 referendum when they rejected an attempt by parliament to impeach him. MPs had decided by a large majority to remove him from office, accusing him of exceeding his constitutional powers.
Country code: 40. Public telephones are widely available and can be used for direct international calls; most require a calling card. Hotels often impose a high service charge for long-distance calls, but usually do not charge for local calls.
Mobile Telephone
Roaming agreements exist with many international mobile phone companies. Coverage is good around Bucharest but variable elsewhere. Local mobile phone hire is available.
Romania has numerous Internet cafes, some offering Wi-Fi.
Romania’s media are among the most lively in the region. The 1991 constitution upholds freedom of expression, but prohibits ‘defamation of the country’. Private radio stations began to appear in 1990; over 100 of them now broadcast alongside state-run Radio Romania. A boom in the newspaper market followed the 1989 revolution, but many were later forced to close owing to rising costs.
Airmail to Western Europe takes one week.
Post office hours: Mon-Fri 0730-2000, Sat 0800-1400.
• Daily papers include Adevarul, Libertatea, Evenimentul Zillei, Romania Libera and Jurnalul National, which has English-language pages.
• English newspapers and publications include Bucharest Business Week, Nine O’Clock and Vivid Magazine.
• There are a great number of daily and weekly newspapers published in Romanian, Hungarian and German.
Radio Romania is state owned and runs four national networks, as well as local and regional services.
• Commercial stations include Europa FM, Kiss FM, Pro FM and Radio 21.
• The BBC World Service is available on FM in the capital.
Below are listed Public Holidays for the January 2009-December 2010 period.


1-2 Jan
New Year.
6 Jan Epiphany.
20 Apr Easter Monday (Orthodox).
1 May Labor Day.
1 Dec National Day.
25-26 Dec Christmas.


1-2 Jan
New Year.
6 Jan Epiphany.
5 Apr Easter Monday (Orthodox).
1 May Labor Day.
1 Dec National Day.
25-26 Dec Christmas.

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