Letter of motivation

Letter of motivation for contest TH!NK ABOUT IT

I want to participate TH! NK3 because it seems a good opportunity to write you all of my country and at the same time I discover a writer and as a person while writing articles.

            I am proud to represent Romania and hope to do it successfully and I hope to do so the world to see my country other than described in TV and international press.

          There are many values, opportunities that can be publicized in a way poziva and not necessarily negative.In fact I want to discover with me, through articles written by me that Romania is not only poverty but one country and properitatii and fairness.

          And I would also like to introduce and natural environment and to Romania, so to see what is beautiful and my country.

       I hope that one day, the Romans no longer be seen as some poor people, uneducated and put on the beat, and that because of Gypsies who made us a very bad image in the world.

       Thank you for your time and you had the patience to read and my participation.

Dorin Taranu

1 Response to "Letter of motivation"

  1. silvialys says:

    abia sunt la inceput :) am doar 8 tari la activ :)
    imi place ce ai facut cu blogul pt romania. dar trebuie sa mai adaugi si lucrurile care nu merg bine sau care sunt mai putin placute. de ex : cainii vagabonzi, soferii de taxi de la aeroport. am vazut ca ai facut si un post de cum sa te misti in romania dar nu ai pus si partea urata. ca NU te poti baza pe transportul in comun.


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